We had appointments the second week in September with both the plastic and neurosurgeon. Both Dr. Joganic and Dr. Shafron were very pleased with Keegan's healing. The neurosurgeon would like to see Keegan back in 6 months (looks like we will be taking a trip "home" in March) and the plastic surgeon would like to see Keegan next September (darn.. another trip home). The plastic surgeon thought he still had a bit of frontal bossing, forehead sticks out past the profile of his face, but thinks it will subside with time. The major concern was behind his ears and his "new" head is growing wider behind the ears, allowing more room for the brain to grow which will eliminate intracranial pressure that they saw when they were operating on him. He also asked that I send his nurse pictures of Keegan's head once a month so that they can track his head shape and make sure there are not major changes that should be addressed.
The collage on the left is a compilation of pictures that I took last night with hopes to get some good shots to send to Dr. Joganic's nurse, Nancy.
Keegan is sure keeping us busy and constantly worrying. He has been grabbing his ears and waking up crying a lot at night shortly after going down. We thought maybe he had an ear infection, so we took him on base to the pediatrician (who is the new pediatrician who took over for our previous doctor, Dr. White). Turns out his ears looked great and she couldnt see any teeth emerging from the gums. She concluded that she thought its possible for his molars working their way down from his jaw and that may give him discomfort. His glands were fine, no temperature, cold/flu like symptoms so we were given the "all's-good". PJ and I both got a chance to meet her and she jotted down notes when we told her about the cranio. We think she is going to be good but obviously will be strong advocates for Keegan's health.
We tried asking to squeeze in his 18 month well baby exam but she kind of shrugged the idea off since there was a base training exercise going on and she had an appointment after. Keegan did weigh 27.6lbs and was 32inches tall. His head measured 20.5" in circumference.
Until next time....
♥ ,Tara
Keegan is sure keeping us busy and constantly worrying. He has been grabbing his ears and waking up crying a lot at night shortly after going down. We thought maybe he had an ear infection, so we took him on base to the pediatrician (who is the new pediatrician who took over for our previous doctor, Dr. White). Turns out his ears looked great and she couldnt see any teeth emerging from the gums. She concluded that she thought its possible for his molars working their way down from his jaw and that may give him discomfort. His glands were fine, no temperature, cold/flu like symptoms so we were given the "all's-good". PJ and I both got a chance to meet her and she jotted down notes when we told her about the cranio. We think she is going to be good but obviously will be strong advocates for Keegan's health.
We tried asking to squeeze in his 18 month well baby exam but she kind of shrugged the idea off since there was a base training exercise going on and she had an appointment after. Keegan did weigh 27.6lbs and was 32inches tall. His head measured 20.5" in circumference.
Until next time....
♥ ,Tara