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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Staple Removal

Keegan had his staples removed this morning at Dr. Shafron's office. They got us in right away when we showed up. Dr. Shafron said his head looked great and was amazed at how well he has been healing. He also joked around about hiring me to clean incisions because his head looked so good. I thought it was still pretty gross looking with scabbing.

He said the bumps on Keegan's head were normal. A few were swollen lymphs and others are normal with the surgery. He told me the biggest indicators to look for would be more behavorial (change in appetite, fussiness, fever, etc). He measured his head and it was 51cm in circumference.... now if only I can remember what it was before. I will be sure to ask Dr. Joganic (the plastic surgeon) on Thursday.

After Dr. Shafron left, Keegan got really antsy because he knew we were still in the room for a reason. Then the Nurse Practitioner came in with a nurse to remove the staples. The nurse held him down on the table while the NP took the staples out. It was fairly quick although seemed like a life time to Keegan I am sure. He did NOT like being pinned down. There was a little bleeding just where some scabs came off around the staples but after it was over he caught his breath. He was all worked up and didnt want ANYTHING to do with the nurse after when she tried giving him a fire truck book.

Last appointment for Keegan is on Thursday afternoon at 2:45pm with the plastic surgeon. I figured it is better to have both see him while we are here. As I have learned with the whole diagnosis, some see things that others don't. Thankfully, I know we have the BIG man upstairs helping us find those eyes at the right time.

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