It is hard to figure out where yesterday ended and today started.
I knew sleep would be scarce because Keegan had thrown up yesterday and later ran a low grade fever. However, I did not imagine I would be not getting a single minute of sleep until 6am.
Keegan was up ALL night long . He was dirtying diapers the entire night and in some pain before each one. He fussed until I could change him, just to start the process over again. The technician noticed some blood in one of his dirty diapers and informed our nurse. I then waited for the doctor on call to come in and check him out. At about 2am, the doctor checked him and determined that he was constipated from the tylenol with codeine but had an upset stomach because of a flu bug or antibiotics. Then, I noticed his left arm was more swollen. The nurse untaped the board on him and put a saline lock on the IV since he was drinking fluids on his own again. At about 6am, Keegan finally dozed off in my arms until his daddy arrived at 7:30am.
PJ showed up and I left to catch some sleep since exhaustion fully kicked in. While I napped for4 hours, PJ and his dad took Keegan to the play room and walked him around the hospital. I then was woken up around 1pm and notified that Keegan was ready to be discharged and that the doctor was happy with his progress. I jumped in the car and headed back to the hospital. Leaving that parking garage was such a relief. It really made me think about all those parents and kids that weren't as fortunate as we were.
Although Keegan was released from the hospital, he still has recovering to do. He is experiencing some trust issues since he has been poked, prodded, touched, stared out along with undergoing a major surgery on his skull. His stomach is still bothering him and we are hoping that is clears soon. You never think of all the other body parts affected by a surgery. But, it is apparent that all the antibiotics, medications, anesthesia etc have caused his body to be thrown out of whack.
Please continue to pray for a smooth and quick recovery.
Our Love ♥ ,
Tara, Pj and Keegan
SO happy to hear that he is home! We are thinking of you guys and praying for Keegan's speedy recovery ;o) XOXO Ash, Micah & Tyler