I found this description on the web (take it for what its worth) :
"The skull of an infant is made up of free-floating bones separated by fibers called sutures. This arrangement allows the infant's head to pass through the birth canal and also enables the skull to grow with the brain in early infancy. Premature fusing of the sutures is called craniosynostosis, which restricts skull growth. The cause of this premature fusion is unknown. Simply put, synostosis is the union of two or more bones to form a single bone. Children born with craniosynostosis may have increased pressure on the brain and vision problems." (pedisurg.com)
Here are some pictures of Keegan's CT scan:

The first picture shows both the forehead (metopic suture) and the top of the head (sagittal suture) are fused together. The other sutures (lamboidal, squasmosal and coronal) are clearly seen. The second and third show how his head has been growing since it is restricted to grow in the one direction. The third is a good picture to see how there should be an opening (suture) that connects the other two shown straight down the middle where the ridge is seen
Here is what a newborns skull should look like (Google health):

Here are some interesting videos on craniosynostosis:
Keegan's Skull Post-Op
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