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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Post & Keegans Diagnosis

Well I thought I would start a blog to keep family and close friends updated on Keegan as many have asked to be put on the update list. With everything coming up so quickly, I figured this is a great way for people to be updated.

I took Keegan into Urgent Care on April 17, 2010 because he had been grabbing his ears. I figured I should take him in since we would be flying to Arizona the following Thursday to celebrate his FIRST Birthday (which was a success by the way). His ears looked fine but the pediatrician who saw him was concerned about his head shape. She felt his head and noticed a ridge running from the front of his head to the back. She strongly encouraged me to call our pediatrician first thing Monday morning and ask about getting a CT scan performed. This was NOT the news I was prepared to hear, nor the news I wanted to hear by myself. PJ was down in Tucson for work and was watching Ashleys softball game vs U of A when I called with the news. I was in tears and was pretty choked up.

In the back of my head I knew he had it, yet had never heard of it. I knew he had a long shaped head and the ridge indicated that she was correct. I never worried about him because he is such a smarty pants and I just figured every kid is different. It was a long 3 days until I could get in to see Dr. White (our ped). When she saw Keegan she confirmed my thoughts and referred us to Phoenix Children's Hospital. I called PJ at his parents house with the news. At 1am he got in the car from Tucson and drove to his parents house so he could be around family when he heard the news. I am pretty sure he knew what was going to be said as well. He got an appointment scheduled with Dr. Adelson (the chief of neurosurgery in Arizona) and a CT scan scheduled on Keegan's birthday. It was not the birthday gift we wanted to be giving Keegan but we knew it had to be done.

Keegan did AWESOME with the CT scan. We got there and he played with a few kids in the waiting room. During the scan, he was a little unsure at one point when he was all bundled up. He looked at me with a quivering lip and I thought I was going to lose it. Instead I grabbed one of the many "cool" toys they had to distract the kids and he brightened up. It went by really fast and he even got a neat beanie baby toy to take home with him. We sat in waiting room after until they had burned us a copy of the CT scan. With CT scan in hand, we left the hospital full of emotions, hoping for the best but prepared to hear what may be.

Knowing the results were on a disk in our hand, we promised we would wait until the medical professionals read the results to us. We pushed it behind and focused on throwing Keegan and AMAZING first birthday party. We had such a great turnout with amazing family and close friends to celebrate. Keegan devoured is cake and hammed it up for everyone watching.

The weekend ended and we were faced with our appointment with Dr. Adelson on Monday. PJ's mom tagged along to help with Keegan and make sure we didn't miss any important questions once we heard the news. The nurse practitioner came in and showed us the CT results. We knew instantly that his sagittal suture had fused together. She explained the diagnosis and treatment with us before Dr. Adelson came in. I thought this was different that she broke the news but it helped us focus on asking questions when Dr. Adelson came in.

He explained that although there is no definitive data saying it can cause brain delays, it is linked to some as well as jaw problems since his head is only allowed to grow in one direction. Some link pressure in the brain to this condition as well. He let us know that the surgery is highly recommended and NOT for cosmetic purposes. Keegan's metopic suture (along his forehead) is also closed but the doctor was not concerned as this closes earlier anyways and the sagittal suture surgery should correct it

I have done some research online and see that this condition is apparent in every 1 out 2000 babies and 3 times more likely in boys than girls for his premature closure of the sagittal suture. However, as with anything there are so many different things on the web for his condition.

Phoenix Childrens Hospital has specialists for each surgery, and since Dr. Adelson is fairly new (around a year), Keegan's surgery would be done by Dr. Shafron. I have read great things about Dr. Shafron and am fully confident he will be great for Keegan. The cranio-facial plastic surgeon will be Dr. Joganic from Barrows Neurological Institute at St. Josephs (he is also retired Air Force and did work at Wilford Hall). We are thankful that we are able to travel to Arizona where top-notch surgeons will be able to correct this.

Keegan's surgey is scheduled May 21, 2010. Keegan and I leave on Sunday to fly to Arizona and PJ and his dad will be driving the car with Cooper on Monday. Thursday we will be going to the hospital for labwork at 9am and an ICU tour. Then in the afternoon we will meet with Dr. Shafron and Dr. Joganic individually to discuss surgery plans.

PJ and I have both had some emotional times dealing with it all but we know God has a plan for everything. We thank the Lord that this was caught early, before it became a problem. It has been a very difficult time for us and I have found some comfort in becoming a member of a web site called where mothers and fathers share their experiences with cranio surgeries.

I hope to keep this updated throughout to keep you all informed every step of the way. We are BLESSED to have such wonderful family and friends to help us through this tough time. Feel free to ask any questions you may have.

I apologize for the LONG post but this is not even half of everything going on in our minds right now =)

Love to all!



  1. Great job explaining everything and this blog is a great mechanism for distributing information and results. Your mother and I love you all very much and will be praying for the best outcome. Obviously, we are here for you, do NOT hesitate to ask if you need anything.
    Love Dad

  2. Dear Tara,
    Thank you so much for sharing everything with us all. All three of you are so brave and will be great. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Much love, Matt

  3. Tara,

    I am so sorry that you all have to go through this. You are right in that it is all in God's hands.

    "Then Jesus said, 'Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.'" - Matthew 11:28-30

    Try the best you can to find peace the few days before the surgery, and please let me know if there's anything I can do!

    We will be praying for you guys.


  4. What a great job you did on this post. I am most appreciative you have included Mike and I -- thank you. If we can help in anyway do not hesitate in asking. I know your family and the Burke clan are all with you every step of the way but just in case--let us know if we can help.

    Prayers and hugs to you all,


  5. Tara,

    Thank you so much for sharing and being so open. Know that you have consistently been in our thoughts and prayers and you are so right when you say God has a plan.

    Love, Allie

  6. You did a great job explaining what is going to be going on. Let me know if you need anything. Y'all will be in our thoughts and prayers (as well as many of our family's).


  7. Hi Tara,
    Thank you so much for opening up about what is going on with Keegan. We have a lot of love and a lot of prayers we are sending your way. We look forward to the three of you coming into town and will be available for anything you may need while here. Stay strong and keep that adorable little boy of your's smiling. See you all soon.

    Court & Bryan
    P.S. We still have a little bday gift to give to him when you come in town : )

  8. Wow Tara and PJ thank you for having the courage to share all of this with us. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this and I want you to know that you will be in my prayers and thoughts. I wish a quick speedy recovery for your sweet little boy. I am here if you guys need anything at all. Please do not hesitate to ask. Love to you.

  9. Tara and PJ, Awesome Blog! What amazing parents you are. I love you all so much. I wish you didn't have to go through this but you are so right, all has a purpose. God's mighty hand will carry you through. His hand is over all, including bringing you to the best doctors. You are in my prayers everyday.
    Love you bunches
    Aunt Karen xoxo

  10. Keep getting well lil buddy. We need to get you out of that hospital and home with Cooper, he misses you. ! We Love You !!
