He seems to be growing like a weed. His weight was 25 lb 14 oz and he was 31.5 inches long. His head was 20 inches (50.5cm). Recall that his head was 51cm at his staple removal appointment. I think that extra half a centimeter was due to some swelling.
Dr. White knew everything Keegan went through which made us happy to see that she took the time to really read through all of the reports from before, during and after his surgery. She addressed all the concerns we had during the surgery, platelet count, hydrocoele, etc. Everything looked good and she advised us to wait until 16 months to get his 12 month immunizations and will do a CBC to check his iron and platelet levels then. He has his two bottom molars working their way out so I am fully prepared for a couple restless nights in the near future. He will then be seen at 18 months.
She did really well with Keegan and seemed to pay extra attention to him at this appointment (which I expected). I asked her how often she has seen this and she said she gets 1 every 2 or 3 years and most are able to be corrected with helmet therapy. She said the helmet therapy is often times not as successful as Keegan's CVR (calvarial vault remodel). I burned her copies of his CT scans and she is going to have them digitized and placed in his records.
She also showed me his growth charts and the peak in his head growth from 6-9 months old. His head circumference was at 89% at 6months and jumped to 100% by 9 months. I also noticed it was only 35% when he was born... makes me think if it really happened in utero as Dr. Joganic stated or if it happened after?! Dr. Joganic's reports also said he was diagnosed with craniosynostosis at birth (which he OBVIOUSLY was not or else we would have gotten a CFS consult much earlier).
Keegan did pretty well, considering. He did not like her checking his mouth out though, very protective of those pearly whites. He didnt mind the head measurements and her feeling his head. I dont know if this is because it was done at the beginning or if he has become accustomed to all the head touching .
Aside from all medical stuff, Keegan has been keeping us all VERY busy. He is now walking at a VERY fast pace and sure thinks he is both spiderman and a class clown. He is persistent and will find a way to get what he wants. He is very crafty and has been getting frustrated very easily when things don't go his way. He will push furniture and when he cant get it over the rug or it hits the wall he keeps pushing and then starts getting really mad that it wont move for him anymore.

Looks like we will stay home for 4th of July weekend and take care of some things around the house and relax before our Yellowstone trip next weekend. We are looking forward to some more outdoor adventures here in Montana!
So long, for now
♥ ,